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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grace's Tae Quon Do Birthday - BIG 10!

Giant Cupcake Cake - with cookie sprinkles

Grace: Black Belt for a Day - she is holding the knife for cutting the cake

Board Breaking:

Beating up the Dad's:

Christmas Pictures

     This year we set up a 'fake' tree. I was raised with ONLY real trees. Anything else
was sacrilegious (in a joking way). We would go as a family and stand in the cold while Dad took 
hours sorting through piles of trees looking for the perfect one. My Dad also spent quite
a lot of money on trees - a lot for then and still a lot for now. I think the most expensive one 
cost around $80. That is a lot and still is.
     This year I bit the bullet and bought a $50 pre-lit tree. 
It was hard for me and for Grace - she told me "its not in the spirit of Christmas". So this
was a good time to try and help her understand that Christmas is what we make it. Also we changed 
the name of our tree...It is not a 'fake' tree. It is a 'Eternal Tree' (haha) - which is a lot better than the ones that die - right? 

Grace & Faith with American Girl Dolls and PJ's from their Grandma Hutson - Note:matching Pj's 
for their dolls - they love them!

     Below: Horse Pj's from Aunt Nancy - She didn't take them off for 3 days!  I don't mean she wore them at night for three days - I mean 3 straight days. I did get her to change her underpants though - (such a good mom - I know)  

     Just the other day she had a day off from school. She was wearing Grandma Hutson's PJ's and I asked her to please get ready for the day and change into 'clean clothes'. So 5 minutes later she came down in's! I thought I asked you to change into clean clothes, Faith? She said that she did and that these were clean. Well she was right  and she wore them all day -  I guess I need to be more specific. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Don't Say That...It's a BAD word

So, Gulliver's Travels was pretty good except they said 'lame ass' like 20 times. So - Faith couldn't hear it and Grace really doesn't focus or hold onto that stuff. But - I was talking to a friend and the subject of 'BAD WORDS' came up. I have a different view of 'BAD WORDS' - that is to say I don't believe in BAD WORDS. There are NO bad words..and this is what we prescribe to in our house. I remember my girls being very young, they were at a playground and a kid said the dreaded F word - ya know the one....fat. The Mom was very embarrassed and said 'Honey, we don't say that word its a bad word' Huh???

Words are not bad...As far as I can tell there is NO word I would not say, but here is the key...

- There is a time for everything - 

I really believe that every word has a place and an appropriate time to use it. Words are exactly what we make them AND if we change a word or refer to it as 'The N word' well that phrase actually becomes 'The N word' cause everyone knows what you mean.

It reminds me of Harry Potter - he was not afraid to say Voldermort - others gave that word power and that made it bad. So I don't believe in bad words...sometimes things really are fat, ugly, stupid and sometimes when I watch the news i'm like , "What the Hell???"


On New Years Eve our family went to see Guliver's Travels. We drove 30 minutes out of our way just so we didn't have to see 3D. Faith hates - hates 3D. She will not wear the glasses and so what your left with is a Deaf kid with a headache watching a blurry screen. Forget it - My wallet doesn't like it  and My kid doesn't like it - Now just imagine going to see a movie that is IMAX AND 3D for a family of four its $60 -just to walk in the door. Movies just aren't THAT good. So when I came accross this poster I was like -


A song from my new favorite band. It is my fav for many reasons.

#1The name  - The Tempor Trap. Cause if you don't know that this name fits me well that means you probably still like me.

#2 Its actually quite soothing - Check out the song Sweet Disposition - you'll probably recognize it from the movie coke commercials.

#3 This video IS LIKE ME WHEN I TRY TO RUN - HAHA. I also sing along to songs like this but I do that all the time not only when exercising. :)