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Friday, January 7, 2011

Don't Say That...It's a BAD word

So, Gulliver's Travels was pretty good except they said 'lame ass' like 20 times. So - Faith couldn't hear it and Grace really doesn't focus or hold onto that stuff. But - I was talking to a friend and the subject of 'BAD WORDS' came up. I have a different view of 'BAD WORDS' - that is to say I don't believe in BAD WORDS. There are NO bad words..and this is what we prescribe to in our house. I remember my girls being very young, they were at a playground and a kid said the dreaded F word - ya know the one....fat. The Mom was very embarrassed and said 'Honey, we don't say that word its a bad word' Huh???

Words are not bad...As far as I can tell there is NO word I would not say, but here is the key...

- There is a time for everything - 

I really believe that every word has a place and an appropriate time to use it. Words are exactly what we make them AND if we change a word or refer to it as 'The N word' well that phrase actually becomes 'The N word' cause everyone knows what you mean.

It reminds me of Harry Potter - he was not afraid to say Voldermort - others gave that word power and that made it bad. So I don't believe in bad words...sometimes things really are fat, ugly, stupid and sometimes when I watch the news i'm like , "What the Hell???"

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