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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Second First Day of School

Today was the second, "First Day of School". I am not quite used to MD and it is not quite used to me. MD schools start at a weird time -before Labor Day!- along with most of the country but who's counting. 

VA schools start after Labor Day- And so the first, first day of school snuck up on me (yesterday). We were quite disorganized yesterday and as it turned out due to the hurricane that caused devastation here - some leaves fell on the ground!! (that's sarcasm people) Faith's school was closed on The First Day! 

(To be fair kids come from all over to attend this school and so they take many, many counties into consideration when deciding if they should close.) 

So today I count as the real first day of school. I felt a little more mentally prepared -breakfast didn't burn and wasn't late and both my kids got on their buses. 

Please note in the photo that Faith is really growing up since she did her own hair! (hehe gotta see it in person) They look pretty cute if I do say so myself.


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