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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Feel The Burn

This week I have been reminded of the gospel principle of 'The Refiner's fire' We are desperately trying to save money to BUY-A-HOUSE. It is hard. I means saying no. I don't mind saying no to my kids actually, don't mind it at all (sometimes i enjoy it, insert evil laugh) BUT, saying no to family, friends, etc is much harder. Telling people we can't go here or there with them, THAT is the hard part.

We have NEVER been good at saving money...EVER. Short term goals we can accomplish but $20,000+ in one year...yeah right. So, we had to do something different. We have opened a savings account in another state. We have virtually no way to access the money, no debit cards and no checks.  If we wanted to access the money it would take a week or more. The money is automatically deposited weekly into our account. It has been quite effective. It has forced us to make do with what we have. But since we began saving it feel like one thing after the other. Dog sick - Mom sick - Car sick - etc - etc. so we are feeling the burn.


Jenn said...

you can do it!! just think "we're buying a house so the Gray's can come for a visit". perfect motivation, right ;D

I can't wait to see your future farmhouse with the chickens and cows and your fabulous farmhouse decor. I saw a pony on craigslist today for only $800 and thought of you....

Jennifer Hutson said...

Tonight, I am finally making homemade pizza (to stretch the budget) really it tastes better than most take-out but really im just normally lazy :)

Jamie Zvirzdin said...

Good for you! We're trying to pay down school debt, so we know how you feel! Crockpot meals are the cheap way to go, let me tell you!